Are Prophetic Signs Accelerating?

We are living in one of the most epic times in history.

Are Prophetic Signs Accelerating?

What an amazing day to be alive!

I am constantly in awe of God's prophetic visions of the future.

The prophetic signs that point to the soon return of Christ are already here! And they're happening at such a quick rate that it’s nearly impossible to keep up!

Living In Epic Times

It’s right in front of our eyes. Just take a look at what has happened over the last few weeks. Each and every day we see clear harbingers of just how quickly we're accelerating towards the return of Jesus.

Yes, the news we're seeing is bad.

But the truth of what these headlines are signaling is exhilarating!

We should consider it a great privilege to be alive during what is one of the most exciting and epic times in history.

Truth is being revealed, agendas are being implemented and exposed, and the enemy is moving forward in an all out assault. The prophetic signs from the Bible are jumping off the page. It may feel overwhelming as you watch what's going on. When you start to feel the anxiety and stress, remember what all of these prophetic signs point toremember what it means for you as a follower of Jesus.

Speeding Up

“All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8). Jesus spoke about end time signs and described them as the beginning of sorrows. Like a mother giving birth, when labor and the birth pains begin, then you know that the time for the baby to be born is soon. Likewise, Jesus says:

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled."—Luke 21:28-32

When you will see ALL these signs, together, at the same time with increasing intensity, then you will know that His coming is near.

When a mother is nearing birth, the labor pains become more frequent and more intense. This ever growing, acute pain, cannot be ignored. As birth draws near the time between the contractions becomes shorter and shorter.

It's clear a baby is coming very soon so all the preparations are being made. For many months the mother and her family must prepare themselves mentally and make arrangements for a new child to enter their home.

As the time draws near, the contractions become heightened and all focus is put on delivering the child. The medical professionals, the mother, family and friends can all see the signs that the baby is coming.

Everyone is getting ready.

The mother's belly is the biggest its going to get, she is mustering all her strength to endure the fierce waves of discomfort. The slower low rumbles of early labor graduate to the more frequent, stronger and longer contractions of late labor. Labor is like a freight train getting going, once it begins there is no stopping it, and as it builds every witness can tell birth is near. Sign after sign clearly point to the baby being born, everyone is equipped and waiting for the moment of birth.

At the very height of intensity of labor and birth, everyone in the room has full attention on this very moment. The mother musters every ounce of strength she never knew she had within her and those witnessing the birth are in awe of the culmination of all they have longed and waited for.

And then it happens, the labor commences with a great crescendo as birth ends, the labor and pain turn immediately to relief. Tears of joy fill the eyes of the mother, father and birth witnesses.

Finally, the long awaited first cry of the the newborn fills the room.

The Time Is Now

All of the signs are here, right now! There is a convergence that's happening like never before. The intensification and prevalence of the birth pangs is accelerating with each day that passes.

This is the time!

Just as the mother in the final moments must bring forth all of her strength, we must muster all strength to endure until the end. The pressure, torment, and evil is prevailing in this world like never and before but God is still completely in control. We're in the late stage of labor, God's plan is in motion and gaining momentum and there's no stopping it.

The enemy is not steering ship, God is at the helm.

We are the witnesses watching for the return Jesus and we're standing in awe of what God is doing. We're nearing the moment we've all been waiting for, the apex where in the twinkling of an eye the world will forever be changed.

Jesus is about to return!

Look up, lift up your heads, for the redemption of the body of Christ draws near. The generation that lives to see these things will not die! You may very well be part of this exclusive generation.

No other generation has lived to see the beginnings of every one of the signs that we're seeing in our world today. These signs are setting the stage for the final hour and the completed fulfillment of every one of the prophecies Jesus spoke about. Remember what Jesus said "Behold, I have told you before" (Matthew 24:25).

Tears of joy are already filling my eyes.

Jesus Is Hope

What would the apostles think about this day and age? Thousands of years ago they wrote about what would happen in the last days. What would be their response to these prophetic signs unfolding daily?

The apostle's response would be to share the love of Jesus with a dying world. In Mark 16:15 Jesus said “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

Now is the the time to go into your world where you can make an impact, sharing the gospel with your friends and family. We're living in the end times and this truth needs to reach a world that is lost before it is too late.

And soon it will be too late. We need to tell the world about Jesus right now! This God-given assignment can't be put off or delayed.

Without Jesus there is no hope.

Without Jesus there is no future.

Without Jesus this world would not survive.

Speak Jesus

Is there a friend or family member that you have wanted to speak to about Jesus but maybe you've been putting it off. Maybe you are concerned what their reaction will be or you fear upsetting them. I urge you to cast out this fear, pray about it, and march forward to proclaim the Gospel to those you love. If there ever was a time, it's now.

And you may be surprised just how receptive people will be. The world we're living in creates fear and confusion and people are seeking truth. You have access to the truth. Share the truth and let God work. It's not your responsibility to convince anyone, let God work on the heart of the lost. It's our responsibility to tell the truth to those who cannot see. There is power in the Word of God to break down the deception so His glory can be revealed.

Maybe you have shared the Gospel but it has been rejected or even scoffed at. I urge you to never give up, don't become discouraged. God can soften even the hardest of hearts and bring breakthrough like you would never have thought possible.

Now is the time and today is the day. Don't wait.

Share The Good News

Here are some simple ways to reach out to friends and family to share the Gospel.

How To Share Living In Epic Times
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Are you ready?

Before you do anything else, be sure you know the answer to this question. Are you ready for the return of Jesus?

Do you know for sure that if you were to die tonight that you would go to heaven?

If you have never accepted Christ into your life, you can make this decision today. For more information about how to receive Jesus, just click here.

And don't wait!

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Nothing is more important than your eternal destiny!